
在App Store 上的「Scrivener」

評分 4.7 (10) · 實用主題 ... 此App 只能透過iPhone 及iPad 的App Store 取得。 Scrivener 4+. Literature & Latte · 在「生產力工具」類中排名第 ...

Scrivener on the App Store

評分 4.2 (2,437) · Typewriter. Ring-binder. Scrapbook. Scrivener combines all the writing tools you need to craft your first draft, from nascent notion to final ...

Using Scrivener on iPad and MacBook

Something to keep in mind is that Scrivener will back up your project on the Mac each time you close it at the end of a writing session. And, I ...

New iPad Pro and Scrivener

Using scrivener on the new iPad Pros is a great experience, however the background can only be set to a dark grey which doesn't have a strong ...

Should I buy an iPad?

The short version for me is: I find iOS Scriv really good for writing drafts, but much less useful for research, planning, or extensive editing.

Scrivener for iOS

Scrivener for iOS is an impressive mobile iteration of Scrivener packed with features and benefits. The $19.99 price is easily justified.

Get to Know Scrivener for iPad and iPhone

Scrivener for iPad and iPhone lets you work on your projects on mobile devices, and sync them back to your computer. If you use Scrivener on ...

Anyone use Scrivener on an iPad?

I use it occasionally on my iPad with the Magic Keyboard, it works fine. The issue is with how scrivener has chosen to sync files with drop box.

Is the iPad app worth it? : rscrivener

I think the iPad app is worth it because you can use it on your phone and that's great for quick drafting. The price point didn't bother me too ...

Unlock Scrivener's Potential on iPhone & iPad

Contents of this video ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ 0:00 - Intro 4:30 - What is Scrivener iOS 5:48 - The Ultimate Quickstart Guide 8:57 - iPhone Quickstart ...


評分4.7(10)·實用主題...此App只能透過iPhone及iPad的AppStore取得。Scrivener4+.Literature&Latte·在「生產力工具」類中排名第 ...,評分4.2(2,437)·Typewriter.Ring-binder.Scrapbook.Scrivenercombinesallthewritingtoolsyouneedtocraftyourfirstdraft,fromnascentnotiontofinal ...,SomethingtokeepinmindisthatScrivenerwillbackupyourprojectontheMaceachtimeyoucloseitattheendofawritingsession.And,I ...,Usingscr...